Throwing Light

E042: What is Your Soul Purpose?

Episode Summary

Sometimes we need to reminded of why we're here on this planet, walking around, eating banana bread like there's no tomorrow. I believe we all have a purpose. And I believe if we get quiet enough, we each have the ability to figure out what ours is. At the end of this episode, I share a meditation to help you do just that.

Episode Notes

In this episode, I'm working out my purpose in real time. For me, it's the ongoing realization that I am meant to help others find their purpose. It's that simple. And it is the biggest honor of my life.


Thank you for listening! Throwing Light is for people who believe in the restoration and healing of the world and who aren't hung up on outdated dogma that seeks to dictate what that's supposed to look like. I'm interested in connecting with people who are actively working toward healing and restoration for themselves and the world. I am especially interested in connecting with helping professionals and people who spend their days caring for others. I promise that engaging with this podcast will help you on your healing journey and motivate you to delve even deeper into the beautiful work you are already doing in the world.

If you resonate with my work and want to stay connected, be sure to follow me on Instagram.